Solo is beginning to learn the shape of the eyrie and was seen at different times trying to climb up the slope at the far end for some reason. Lots of time, and lots of feathers to play with. We only watched one feeding session today but Solo isn’t suffering at all and is putting on height and weight close to form.
Video clips today include Swift showing close interest in our nest camera, Solo playing with some feathers, and some cute parent/chick interaction and sideways looks!

Hi Scott & Cilla! My Kinderchicklets here in Winnipeg, Canada really enjoyed seeing Swift and Solo up close to the camera! They asked me what all that white stuff is on the wall of the nestbox. When I told them it was Solo’s bathroom area, which I guess you call the loo, they were able to guess what it was and then said “Ewwww!” Here in Winnipeg, we on the Falcon Cam Forum refer to it as “Peregrine Poop Art”! My students want me to tell you that they think that Swift and Beau should clean up their messy house for little Solo! LOL!
Hi Kathy and Kinderchicklets! Yes, indeed Solo could do with a little house training. One of the major considerations in the new box this year was what we term “the poo line’! So far our mathematical calculations with Solo have been quite correct but it’s not too pleasant, and won’t be nice when we finally get back in the box to clean it out in the next couple of months. For now Solo seems happy to rest against the mess. It looks like a sizeable bird has exploded in there too with all the feathers floating around. One disadvantage of the larger box has been less airflow to drag loose feathers out. Like the Peregrine Poop Art term – tasteful!! We’ll have a word with Beau and Swift about the mess….