Apologies for the lack of news in the last few days – we’re back on-board and up to speed! Our ever-growing charge is beginning to take first steps. A proud moment for us all! There is plenty of time though lying down which, when colleague Cilla compared last year’s records, appears to be a little unusual for this specific age, but nevertheless Solo is eating well, very alert and exploring the eyrie.
Beau was seen carefully pushing Solo away from the ledge the other day, and both adults are hanging around when needed with the little’n cuddling up close when possible. Today is Day 23 for Solo. Average time in the eyrie before fledging appears to be approximately 40 days, and being more than 50 metres directly above the ground it’s not a step to take lightly (literally!), as we found with one of the males last year who jumped a day too early and had to be returned (only to jump the very next day again, this time more or less successfully!).
We’ll load up some news videos in the next couple of hours …