14,000+ hits! …… Thank you to everyone who has been following FalconCam Project. Website hits have proven the support we’re getting from all over the world. We love bringing this stuff to you and the current local fund-raising and marketing push (via local TV & newspaper coverage) is providing high-profile exposure. Our ideal objectives are to improve vision quality, enable audio and to monitor and record 24/7, day/night, all culminating in live video streams to a web page for all to see.

We are also quietly touting a FalconCam Project 23-minute video presentation at the moment which is being previewed to the public at Orange’s Biodiversity Day, this Sunday at Orange Botanic Gardens. It’s a really huge file (way too big to share online) so we’re working at ways that we can make it available on request (soundtrack copyright etc is the big sticking point!). Stay tuned, and/or see you at the Biodiversity Day!!