Business as usual up the tower

This last month has seen many visits, varying from minutes, to many hours at a time, by all our resident peregrine family.  Migii in particular seems to be spending plenty of daylight hours on the ledge surveying the “killing fields” while mum and dad take their turns too. Most mornings the campus early-shift staff report seeing anywhere between 1 and 3 feathered heads sitting upon the tower, and it’s most likely that the roost is being used as a sleep-over each night.

This morning we have Migii dominating the roost, making plenty of noise and gesturing, whilst mum sits around on the microwave transmission dish in the shade. Maybe they have some interest in all the construction work going on around campus right now! A few chest and flight feathers in have been left in the roost so another trip up may retrieve them for study.

Few new images to bring to you for now as the ledge camera, where most of the activity is being observed, has no video capability yet. Plans are underway to replace the roost itself and purchase upgraded cameras.

Migii is now 108 days old and is well and truly in the swing of catching prey and growing up, but still reliant on the parents.