Another day of wet and very windy weather in Orange and it has meant plenty of warmth from mum for Migii. The occasional visit from dad has brought relief for mum (in probably many ways) but there’s not much food on offer and Migii is beginning to fret. Dad took his turn twice this afternoon to mind the child while mum flew off for a stretch, and much as Migii pulled the “hungry” face dad wasn’t obliging.
Attempts were made to clean the viewing windows, taking care to wait until both adults were gone. One brief chance cleared most of the far window but after another 1.5 hours there were no further opportunities to get to the camera window (as one adult flew off the other would arrive in tag formation), so our views are still blurred. Further attempts will be made this week to clear the windows.
The little Migii is growing rapidly and was measured when stretching to be approximately 19-20cm tall. There’s not much room for two in there now!
Video of Migii being fed on Day 12 …