End of 2024 season

I’ve been a bit reluctant to update this blog, hoping against hope that Yira might turn up. She was observed in the field and on the tower cam several times (including a visit to the sloping roof of the tower) up until the first week in December, then nothing. I have to assume that she has had a flying accident.

Such a shame to lose her after also losing Garrama. He was found on the ground after fledging, taken to the vet clinic at the zoo in Dubbo, X-rayed and found to have a severe spinal deformity, so euthanased – (see News 15/11/2024).

The first few weeks after fledging is a very dangerous time for peregrines and many do not make it. Average life span of peregrines is about six years, but once they get through their first year, the life span increases dramatically and birds as old as eighteen are known to still be thriving and breeding.

Since then the adults have been feasting on cicadas, doing a great deal of pair-bonding and scrape maintenance, as well as hunting at night. We’ve had some quite warm weather, so being outside the box at night seems like a good idea. Conversely, Xavier has spent a lot of time ‘loafing’ in the box. We haven’t had an adult lie down so much since the old female, Swift. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean he is unwell. He has been very active otherwise and adults are often known to lie down at other peregrine eyries.

We’ve also had an intruder (female) who visited the box and tower on 21st December. Xavier had a frightening encounter with her. This happens from time to time and they all have been chased away. Eventually, however, one may take over the nest as our adults age, but hopefully not too soon.

Here is the video of the intruder …could it be one of our own??

Many other videos are available via the Youtube portal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNMulUCdUibAMPnaR1e0kEw