With the public’s generous donations, we have been able to purchase a replacement camera for tower cam. This is due to be installed on Tuesday November 14th and will cause loss of streaming for a day or two while we get it linked up to a Youtube stream. We will be as quick as we can as it is quite likely that the nestlings will be fledgeling by then and out and about.
I also in the processing of renting a late mode CSU laptop, from which I should be able to operate the cam from both work and home. Currently I need to be at work to change the zoom etc.
The cam is a AXIS Q6135-LE,
This is a high speed PTZ (pan, tilt, zoom) with long-range OptimizedIR
For technical info re the cam: AXIS Q6135-LE PTZ Network Camera | Axis Communications
It is similar to one in use at the University of Montreal for their peregrine viewing.
Our nestlings, now 38 and 39 days old are creeping closer to the edge and I expect them to fledge in three to five days time, looking at the condition of their down, which should be mostly gone before they fledge, with just a little remaining on their heads, like a mohawk.
Barru (male, left) is the bravest and is frequently on the ledge now. Marri (female) is a bit more tentative….but is more advance in unzipping and eating prey on her own. Marri seems to have inherited her mother’s ‘death-stare’!