With over 2600 votes, you have selected two lovely names for our youngsters: Marri (means ‘red kangaroo’) and Barru (means ‘bilby). These names were 40.7% and 40.3% respectively, so very close with the runner up, Mabi (means ‘eastern quoll’) a very close third (37.4%).
Here is the final result

The general consensus is that Marri is chick #1 (one day older, slightly larger, may or may not be female) and Barru for the younger one. But good luck with telling them apart at the moment! If we have one male and one female, the difference should be obvious in about a week. Remember though the names are just a bit of fun and so don’t worry about getting them the right way around. As they are Wiradjuri names, it would be respectful to try and learn to spell them correctly, however.
Many thanks to all those who participated.