It’s hard to believe that we are in March and we still have juveniles, or at least one for sure as I can see one sitting in the box as we speak. It seems strange that the parents haven’t chased them away as they appear to be both efficient hunters. I did see what I thought was some aggression between (I think) Diamond and Gaama a few weeks ago, but I now think it was more likely a handover of prey. They were rolling upside down with talons touching. I didn’t actually see any prey, so it might have just been a training exercise.
It’s interesting that the webcam often gives us insight into the birdlife around campus. I often record calls of birds that are a bit unexpected and we also see birds passing. Here was a large clock of white birds (probably cockatoos or corellas) passing the box, with a beady eye being kept on them!

But anyway, both juveniles have brought in prey. Gaama (again, I think – they are not easy to tell apart) with a starling and Budhin this morning with a crested pigeon. It’s the one season that I’m really sorry these birds aren’t banded as that make sorting one from t’other much easier!
Here is Gaama with a starling (which he didn’t eat, but Diamond did later on). VIDEO
And here is Budhin (we hope) with a crested pigeon. Of course, I can’t be certain that he caught this himself, but I like to think so. It’s nearly four months since these youngsters fledged, so there’s no reason why they shouldn’t be catching most types of prey at this stage (although I’d be very surprised if a galah came in!).

You’ll see I labelled this Gaama, and it could be, but I thought later that by size it was mostly likely Budhin. VIDEO
And finally Budhin (I think) having a snooze on the ledge as a really young juvenile would:
The crested pigeon today was quite a surprise! Bit of a step up from a juvenile starling, that’s for sure – and it was clearly delicious. Whoever scoffed it all was too full to stand, and lay in the ledge for a while after feasting.
The youngsters are working on their GCW exits (“Goodbye Cruel World!”) Gaama did one this afternoon that appeared to me a head-first slide over the ledge and down the outside wall, tee hee!
We’re so so lucky to be able to watch all this and to learn so much about the falcons – who’d have thought the “off-season” would end up being so interesting? Thanks, Project people!!!