We had a major storm last night. it went on and on, lightning all around for what seemed like an hour – quite a light show. Amazingly we didn’t lose power, either at home or work, but the storm seems to have damaged my internet wireless received at home (which is only 4 km as the crow flies from the uni).
Meanwhile… Diamond snoozed on oblivious, despite the campus being lit up as if at noon. And very heavy rain for an hour or so.

VIDEO 20161224 Xmas Eve lightning
Spare a thought for Xavier and the babies. There is supposed to be more today, but we seemed to have been spared the worst of it. Xavier has been in and out of the box all day, so none the worse for this.
Merry Christmas to all of you.
Video from Cilla, youtu.be/6BKZlDdj3_g
9:11 Xavier in the box, youtu.be/ax5k-YHOM8o
5:43 Diamond & Xavier, youtu.be/B0r_tGSD60E
12:48 Xavier plucks a tail feather , youtu.be/jMFAaB11Exc
27 Dec 20:51 Xavier & Diamond, youtu.be/-ZM4LEzobcg
Love the split screen effect! Thanks Arjen.