Cilla has taken part of the Project display today out to the Australian National Field Days at Borenore, just outside Orange, to show off our world famous feathered celebrities. With some luck there’ll be lots of interest. Visitors to the Field Days come from far & wide, right across Australia.
Orange campus will also be receiving another visit from the “Future Moves” schoolkids at the end of October, here for a day to experience the university lifestyle, and of course to learn about peregrine falcons!! The last group a few months ago learnt a lot and had a fantastic day around the place.
Anyone who’s been to any of our recent exhibits etc will know that we now use our own Project QR-type barcode so it’s very quick to take a note of the website for future reference, on smartphones, tablets etc.
Snow is almost topping Beau in size now. The challenge will be to confirm whether Snow is a he or a she but money’s already on that it’s a female, based on the advanced standing height against its father. It’s a little boring up the Concrete Hilton at times during the day but generally either of Beau or Swift takes guard whilst the other is off hunting. Snow is sleepingĀ a lot and we’re seeing quite advanced flight feathers comnig through now – that gawky “teenage” period! And with extra movement and stronger legs come moments when the decision to sleep underneath the cameras can be alarming when we lose sight for a while. Rest assured that Snow is playing sensibly when close to the raised ledge still….