Little Snow is not so little anymore and is taking on that role of being Beau’s excessively large furry slippers when Beau comes to visit. Snow is too large now to protect under the wing but is just the right size to keep the feet warm now! Apologies to all camera viewers for that feather stuck and flapping around the nest camera – no-one’s keen to put their hand in there yet to sweep it away! We can but hope a large gust of wind will come through and clear it off.
Cilla’s video clips of Beau visiting 16 day old Snow, and Swift arriving with breakfast while Snow tucks in ….

We’ve come up against a possible short-term limitation in our ageing recording server’s capacity at the moment. There is so much movement going on in the nest view that the server is only able to store about 2 days of continuous archive footage at the moment. We’re madly running around looking for a compatible larger hard drive for this older computer. Maybe next season we will focus our resources in to improving both the camera streams (by then both HD) and the archival recording storage capacity.
Scott will Snow be banded? If so it will be soon yes??
Thanks for any information
Bonjour,nice vidéos….snow grows rapidly….Merci !
Thank you for the update and the great videos of young Snow!!